var TEMP = {}; TEMP.MESSAGE = '
'; //normal function for apps function afterAjax(res) { var error = false; var showAjaxMessage = function(res) { res = res.replace(/([\s\S]+?)<\/message>/, function(message) { if (showMessage && arguments.length > 2) { if (arguments[1] == 'error') { error = true; } showMessage(arguments[2], arguments[1]); } return ''; }); return res; } if (typeof(res) == 'string' && res) { res = showAjaxMessage(res); } else if (typeof(res) == 'object' && typeof(res.message) == 'string' && res.message) { showAjaxMessage(res.message); } if (error) { return false; } else { return res; } } function showMessage(message) { var res = {}; res.message = message; if (arguments.length >= 2) { res.type = arguments[1]; } else { res.type = 'notice'; } res = $(res).substitute(TEMP.MESSAGE); if ($('#js_message').length > 0 && $('#js_message').get(0).messageAuto) { clearTimeout($('#js_message').get(0).messageAuto); } var messageBox = popBox(res, 'js_message', 999); $('#js_message').css('z-index', 999); $('#js_message').get(0).messageAuto = setTimeout(function() { $('#js_message').hide(); }, 3000); } function popBox(res, id) { if (typeof(id) == 'string') { if (typeof(res) != 'object' && $(res).length == 0) { res = $('
' + res + '
'); } else { res = $(res); } if (res.length > 0) { var box = $('#' + id); if (box.length < 1) { box = $('
'); box.appendTo("body"); if (res.find('.close').length > 0) { $('#' + id).on('click', '.close', function() { $('#' + id).hide(); }); } } else { box.html(''); }; if (arguments.length > 2 && parseInt(arguments[2], 10) > 0) { res.appendTo(box).pop(arguments[2]); } else { res.appendTo(box).pop(); } //box.children().not(res).remove(); autoEvent('#' + id); return res.parent(); } } } function forceInt(obj) { var oldVal = $(obj).val(); var newVal = $(obj).val().replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '').replace(/\..*/, '').replace(/^0+/, '0').replace(/^0*([1-9])/, '$1'); if (newVal != oldVal) $(obj).val(newVal); } function forceFloat(obj) { var oldVal = $(obj).val(); var newVal = $(obj).val().replace(/[^\d\.]/g, ''); newVal = newVal.match(/\d*\.*\d{0,2}/)[0]; newVal = newVal.replace(/\.+/g, '.').replace(/^\./, '0.').replace(/^0+/, '0').replace(/^0*([1-9])/, '$1'); if (newVal != oldVal) $(obj).val(newVal); } function selectAll(obj, name) { if ($(obj).attr('checked') && name) { $(document).find(':checkbox[name*=' + name + ']').each(function() { if (!$(this).attr('checked')) { $(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); } }); return true; } else if (name) { $(document).find(':checkbox[name*=' + name + ']').each(function() { if ($(this).attr('checked')) { $(this).attr('checked', false); } }); return false; } } function jConfirm(target, text) { var type = 'click'; var $target = $(target); var saveHandlers = function() { var events = $.data(target, 'events'); if (target.href) { // No handlers but we have href var url = target.href; $target.bind('click', function() { window.location.href = url; }); target.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; events = $.data(target, 'events'); } else if (!events) { // There are no handlers to save. return; } target._handlers = new Array(); for (var i in events[type]) { target._handlers.push(events[type][i]); } } var handler = function() { var text = $(this).attr('confirm'); if (!text) { text = '确认进行此操作吗?'; } var html = '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '

' + '' + text + '

' + '

' + '' + '??' + '' + '' + '??' + '' + '

' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; // show confirm box var $box = $('#confirmBox'); if ($box.length == 0) { $box = $('
'); $box.appendTo("body"); } else { $box.html(''); $box.html('
'); } $; var height = 95; var width = 200; var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); var sizeObj = $(this).getObjSize(); var newLeft = parseInt(rect.left + $(document).scrollLeft(), 10) + parseInt((sizeObj.width - width) / 2, 10); if (newLeft + width > $(document).width()) { newLeft = $(document).width() - width; } $box.css("top", parseInt( + $(document).scrollTop(), 10) - height + "px").css("left", newLeft + "px"); $box.css({ 'width': width + 'px', 'height': height + 'px' }); $('#confirmBox .confirmMask').css({ 'width': width + 'px', 'height': height + 'px' }); $('#confirmBox .confirmMask').show(); $('#confirmBox .confirmBody').html(html); $('#confirmBox .confirmMask').slideUp('normal'); $('#confirmBox .confirmBody .yes').click(function() { if (target._handlers != undefined) { $.each(target._handlers, function() { $; }); } // Trigger click event. $; $target.unbind(type); $('#confirmBox .confirmMask').slideDown('normal', function() { $, handler); $('#confirmBox').hide(); }); }); $('#confirmBox .confirmBody .no').click(function() { $('#confirmBox .confirmMask').slideDown('normal', function() { $('#confirmBox').hide(); $, handler); }); }); return false; }; saveHandlers(); $target.unbind(type); $'click', handler); } function textCount(obj) { if (!$(obj).attr('textCount')) { return true; } else { var noticeDiv = false; $(obj).parents('div').each(function() { if (noticeDiv == false && $(this).find('.textCountTip').length > 0) { noticeDiv = $(this).find('.textCountTip'); return false; } }); var count = $.trim($(obj).val()).length; var limit = parseInt($(obj).attr('textCount'), 10); if (limit >= count) { if ($(obj).hasClass('wrongInput')) { $(obj).removeClass('wrongInput'); } noticeDiv.html('您还能输入' + (limit - count) + '个字'); return true; } else { if (!$(obj).hasClass('wrongInput')) { $(obj).addClass('wrongInput'); } noticeDiv.html('已超过' + (count - limit) + '个字'); return false; } } } function ajaxBox(url) { var data = {}; if (arguments.length > 1) { data = arguments[1]; } $.post(url, data, function(res) { if (res) { popBox(res, 'js_ajaxBox', 500).addMask( document , 0.5, 250 ); if ($("#js_ajaxBox .Move").length >= 1) { var size = $("#js_ajaxBox").getObjSize(); var left = $(document).width() - size.width; var top = $(document).height() - size.height; $("#js_ajaxBox").children(':first').Drags({ handler: '.Move', area: [0, 0, left, top], zIndex: 200 }); } return false; } else { $('#js_ajaxBox').hide().html(''); return false; } }); } function autoEvent() { var objs; if (arguments.length > 0) { objs = $(arguments[0]).find('[action-type],[confirm],[hoverTip],[urlToAjax],[textCount]'); } else { objs = $('[action-type],[confirm],[hoverTip],[urlToAjax],[textCount]'); } if (objs.not('[switch]').length > 0) { objs.not('[switch]').bind('click', function() { if ($(this).attr('action-type') == 'ajaxBox') { if ($(this).attr('action-data')) { ajaxBox($(this).attr('action-data')); } } else if ($(this).attr('action-type') == 'fun') { if ($(this).attr('action-data')) { var fn = window[$(this).attr('action-data')]; if (typeof(fn) == 'function') { fn(this); } } } else if ($(this).attr('action-type') == 'selectAll') { if ($(this).attr('action-data')) { var name = $(this).attr('action-data'); if (select_all(this, name)) { $('[action-type=selectAll]').filter('[action-data=' + name + ']').attr('checked', true); } else { $('[action-type=selectAll]').filter('[action-data=' + name + ']').attr('checked', false); } } } }); //check if has selectAll var names = {}; objs.filter('[action-type=selectAll]').each(function() { var obj = this; var name = $(this).attr('action-data'); if (name && names[name] != true) { $(':checkbox[name*=' + name + ']').live('click', function() { if ($(':checkbox[name*=' + name + ']:checked').length != $(':checkbox[name*=' + name + ']').length) { $('[action-type=selectAll]').filter('[action-data=' + name + ']').attr('checked', false); } else { $('[action-type=selectAll]').filter('[action-data=' + name + ']').attr('checked', true); } }); names[name] = true; } }); //check if has confirm objs.filter('[confirm]').each(function() { if (typeof($(this).attr('confirm')) != 'undefined') { jConfirm(this, $(this).attr('confirm')); } }); } objs.filter('[hoverTip]').hover( function() { $($(this).attr('hoverTip')).show(); }, function() { $($(this).attr('hoverTip')).hide(); }); objs.filter('[urlToAjax]').each(function() { var fn = window[$(this).attr('urlToAjax')]; if (typeof(fn) == 'function') { $(this).find('a').each(function() { var url = $(this).attr('href'); if (url && url != '#' && url.substr(0, 11).toLowerCase() != 'javascript:') { $(this).attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)'); $(this).bind('click', function() { fn(this, url); }); } }); } }); objs.filter('[textCount]').each(function() { textCount(this); $(this).bind('propertychange', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); textCount(this); }).bind("input", function() { textCount(this); }); }); } //(function($) { $.extend($.fn, { getCss: function(key) { var v = parseInt(this.css(key)); if (isNaN(v)) return false; return v; } }); $.fn.Drags = function(opts) { var ps = $.extend({ zIndex: 20, opacity: .7, handler: null, area: null, onMove: function() {}, onDrop: function() {} }, opts); var dragndrop = { drag: function(e) { var dragData =; var left = dragData.left + e.pageX - dragData.offLeft; var top = + e.pageY - dragData.offTop; if (dragData.area) { left = Math.min(Math.max(dragData.area[0], left), dragData.area[2]); top = Math.min(Math.max(dragData.area[1], top), dragData.area[3]); } //left = Math.min( Math.max( 0 , left ) , ps.maxLeft ); //top = Math.min( Math.max( 0 , top ) , ps.maxTop );{ left: left, top: top }); dragData.handler.css({ cursor: 'move' }); dragData.onMove(e); e = e || window.event; if (e.stopProgation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else { e.cancelBubble = true; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } }, drop: function(e) { var dragData =;; //.css({ 'opacity': '' }); //dragData.handler.css('cursor', dragData.oldCss.cursor); dragData.onDrop(e); $(document).unbind('mousemove', dragndrop.drag).unbind('mouseup', dragndrop.drop); } } return this.each(function() { var me = this; var handler = null; if (typeof ps.handler == 'undefined' || ps.handler == null) handler = $(me); else handler = (typeof ps.handler == 'string' ? $(ps.handler, this) : ps.handle); handler.bind('mousedown', { e: me }, function(s) { var target = $(; var oldCss = {}; if (target.css('position') != 'absolute') { try { target.position(oldCss); } catch (ex) {} target.css('position', 'absolute'); } oldCss.cursor = target.css('cursor') || 'default'; //oldCss.opacity = target.getCss('opacity') || 1; var dragData = { left: oldCss.left || target.getCss('left') || 0, top: || target.getCss('top') || 0, width: target.width() || target.getCss('width'), height: target.height() || target.getCss('height'), offLeft: s.pageX, offTop: s.pageY, oldCss: oldCss, area: ps.area, onMove: ps.onMove, onDrop: ps.onDrop, handler: handler, target: target } //target.css('opacity', ps.opacity); $(document).bind('mousemove', { dragData: dragData }, dragndrop.drag).bind('mouseup', { dragData: dragData }, dragndrop.drop); }); }); } //})(jQuery); $(function() { autoEvent(); }); //add on (function($, afterAjax) { var inIframe = true; var ajaxLock = {}; var lastTargetInfo = false; var getEvent = function() { if (document.all) return window.event; func = getEvent.caller; while (func != null && func.arguments) { var arg0 = func.arguments[0]; if (arg0) { if ((arg0.constructor == Event || arg0.constructor == MouseEvent) || (typeof(arg0) == "object" && arg0.preventDefault && arg0.stopPropagation)) { return arg0; } } func = func.caller; } return null; } var getlastObj = function() { var event = getEvent(); if (event) { var elem = event.srcElement ||; if (elem && typeof(elem.nodeType) != undefined && elem.nodeType) { return elem; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } var originalAjax = $.ajax; $.ajax = function() { if (arguments.length > 0) { var url = arguments[0].url; if (ajaxLock[url] == true) { return; } var originalSuccess = function() {}; var cleanLock = function() { ajaxLock[url] = false; }; if (arguments[0].success) { originalSuccess = arguments[0].success; } if (inIframe) { var elem = getlastObj(); if (elem && elem != document) { lastTargetInfo = {}; lastTargetInfo.isLastTarget = true; lastTargetInfo.rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); lastTargetInfo.size = $(elem).getObjSize(); } } arguments[0].success = function(res) { cleanLock(); if (afterAjax && typeof(afterAjax) == 'function') { res = afterAjax(res, lastTargetInfo); } if (res !== false) originalSuccess(res, lastTargetInfo); } ajaxLock[url] = true; return originalAjax.apply(this, arguments); } }; $.fn.getObjSize = function() { var size = { 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'top': 0, 'left': 0 }; var level = 5; var obj = this; while (obj.outerHeight() == 0 && obj.length > 0 && level > 0) { if (arguments.length == 1) { obj = obj.children().find(arguments[0]); } else { obj = obj.children(':first'); } level = level - 1; } size.width = obj.outerWidth(); size.height = obj.outerHeight(); return size; }; $.fn.getObjSize = function() { var size = { 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'top': 0, 'left': 0 }; var level = 5; var obj = this; while (obj.outerHeight() == 0 && obj.length > 0 && level > 0) { if (arguments.length == 1) { obj = obj.children().find(arguments[0]); } else { obj = obj.children(':first'); } level = level - 1; } size.width = obj.outerWidth(); size.height = obj.outerHeight(); return size; }; $.fn.pop = function() { var size = this.getObjSize(); if (this.css('position') != 'absolute') { this.css('position','absolute'); } if (($(window).height() - size.height) / 2 + $(window).scrollTop() < 0) { this.css("top", "0px"); } else { if (inIframe) { var rect, rectSize; var elem = getlastObj(); if (elem == false) { var func = arguments.callee.caller; do { if (func.arguments && func.arguments.length == 2 && func.arguments[1].isLastTarget != undefined) { var lastTarget = func.arguments[1]; rect = lastTarget.rect; rectSize = lastTarget.size; break; } func = func.caller; } while (func); if (!func && lastTargetInfo) { rect = lastTargetInfo.rect; rectSize = lastTargetInfo.size; } } else { rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); rectSize = $(elem).getObjSize(); } if (!rect || !rectSize) { this.css("top", "50px"); } else if (!$(elem).is($(this))) { var mY = parseInt(, 10) + rectSize.height / 2 + $(document).scrollTop() - size.height / 2; if (mY + size.height > $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop()) { mY = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - size.height; } if (mY < 0) { mY = 0; } this.css("top", mY + "px"); } } else { this.css("top", ($(window).height() - size.height) / 2 + $(window).scrollTop() + "px"); } } this.css("left", ($(window).width() - size.width) / 2 + $(window).scrollLeft() + "px"); if (arguments.length > 0 && parseInt(arguments[0], 10) > 0) { this.css('z-index', parseInt(arguments[0], 10)); } if ($(this).find('.js_maskIframe').length == 0 && $.browser.msie && ($.browser.version == "6.0") && !$ { if ($(document).find('select').length > 0) { $(this).wrapInner('
'); $('.maskDiv').before(''); } } return this; }; $.fn.blink = function() { var o = {}; var $target = this; var id = $(this).attr('id') || $(this).attr('name'); o[id] = {}; o[id].begin = 0; o[id].end = 0; o[id].lock = false; o[id].step = 6; o[id].times = 6; o[id].color = function(i) { $target.css('background', 'rgb(255,' + i + ',' + i + ')'); } o[id].color_next = function(f) { if (o[id].begin > o[id].end) { o[id].begin -= o[id].step; } else if (o[id].begin < o[id].end) { o[id].begin += o[id].step; } else { o[id].lock = false; if (typeof(f) == 'function') { f(); } return; } o[id].color(o[id].begin); setTimeout(function() { o[id].color_next(f); }, 25); } o[id].color_to = function(x, y, f) { if (o[id].lock) { return; } o[id].begin = x; o[id].end = y; o[id].lock = true; o[id].color_next(f); } var _c = 255 - o[id].step * o[id].times; o[id].color_to(255, _c, function() { o[id].color_to(_c, 255, function() { o[id].color_to(255, _c, function() { o[id].color_to(_c, 255); }); }); }); return this; }; $.fn.substitute = function(str) { var obj = this[0]; if (!( === '[object String]')) { return ''; } if (!( === '[object Object]' && 'isPrototypeOf' in obj)) { return str; } return str.replace(/\{([^{}]+)\}/g, function(match, key) { var value = obj[key]; return (value !== undefined) ? '' + value : ''; }); }; $.fn.setValue = function(json) { if (typeof(json) == 'string' && arguments.length == 2) { var key = json; json = {}; json[key] = arguments[1]; } var _this = this; var jsonNameFormat = function( json ){ var prefix = '' , jsonFormated = {}; if( arguments[1] ){ prefix = arguments[1]; } $.each(json, function(name , value ){ name = prefix?prefix+'['+name+']':name; if( typeof(value) == 'object' ){ //alert(name); jsonFormated = $.extend( jsonFormated , jsonNameFormat( value , name ) ); }else{ jsonFormated[name] = value; } }); return jsonFormated; }; if (typeof(json) == 'object') { json = jsonNameFormat( json ); $.each(json, function(name, value) { var obj = $(_this).find(":input[name='" + name + "']"); if (obj.length > 0) { switch (obj.get(0).type) { case 'radio': case 'checkbox': obj.filter("[value='" + value + "']").filter(":not(:checked)").click(); break; case 'select-one': case 'textarea': case 'text': case 'hidden': obj.val(value); break; } } }); } return this; }; $.fn.addMask = function( obj , opacity, zindex) { var newCss = {}; newCss.width = $(obj).width() + 'px'; newCss.height = $(obj).height() + 'px'; newCss.position = 'absolute'; newCss['-moz-opacity'] = opacity; newCss.opacity = opacity; newCss['z-index'] = zindex; newCss.filter = 'alpha(Opacity=' + parseFloat(opacity, 10) * 100 + ')'; if (arguments.length > 3) { if (arguments[3]) { newCss.background = arguments[3]; } } else { newCss.background = '#777'; } if( obj == document ){ = '0px'; newCss.left = '0px'; }else{ var rect = $(obj).get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); = + 'px'; newCss.left = rect.left + 'px'; } var className; if (arguments.length > 3) { className = arguments[3]; } else { className = 'js-mask'; } var maskDiv = $('
'); maskDiv.addClass(className); maskDiv.css(newCss); maskDiv.appendTo(this); return this; }; })(jQuery, afterAjax);